Online Giving Directions

  1. Follow the button below.

  2. Enter the amount you would like to give.

  3. Select “Create Recurring Transaction” if you have agreed to give monthly.

  4. Select your payment method and fill out the required information.

  5. Click “Submit”.


U.S. Postal Giving Directions

  1. Make a check out to “Orphanos Foundation” with designated amount.

  2. Specify “Man of Peace” in the “For” section.

  3. Mail to:

    PO Box 1057 Cordova, TN 38088-1057


About Orphanos

We use Orphanos for our donor management services and we receive 100% of all donations made through their channel. The Orphanos Foundation is a Memphis-based 501(c)3 Christian charity that provides “fee free” donor management services for non-U.S. based Christian ministries and missionaries that care for orphans and vulnerable children.